For this assignment, I designed a relevant discussion
prompt that encourages students to think deeply and critically about a
topic. My discussion prompt referred students to prior learning or
knowledge, and posed a clear question to which they will respond. I also provided students with discussion board expectations and grading criteria for their posts.
Discussion Post Criteria and Points

The discussion post example prompt and rubric on this page would be used in an online course for pre-service mathematics instructors.
The discussion post example prompt and rubric on this page would be used in an online course for pre-service mathematics instructors.
Take a position - for or against - the following statement:
courses that neglect to develop students ability to communicate
precisely using academic and laymen’s terms do not prepare students for
participation in the global workforce.
Post your position on the discussion board by next Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
- Be sure to frame your position in a real-world context.
- You may draw from personal experience or use examples found in media or literature searches.
Respond to one post before Tuesday at 11:59p.m.
- If you agree with the position, elaborate on the post using real-world examples.
- If you disagree with the position, use real-world examples as evidence for your contradiction of specific points raised in the post.