I found tremendous value in working through this section of this certification course. I spent several days wordsmithing succinct statements to communicate my values, mission, and vision as a professional learning leader. This has helped me to gain focus and clarity in my own head and I developed materials that I can use to communicate with stakeholders.
Materials on This Page:
- Slide Deck: Corporate Support and Training - Stakeholders, Goals, and Human Capital
- Slide Deck: Vision
- Infographic: Expanded Definitions ofValues, Mission, Vision

Vision, Mission, Goals, and Values: Module Reflection
I approached this module thinking that I was finished before I started since I had recently completed the most time consuming part - the refinement of my mission and vision - in a New Teacher Project professional development session for coaches. After transitioning to corporate training and PD for educators, I found that my focus has shifted a bit and revision was necessary.
This turned out to be the most thought-provoking work in the course. Defining my core values and goals to inform the development of a vision and mission statement became a thought-provoking exercise in self-exploration. Shifting from a public school system role to a corporate role affords new objectives for my work and preserves current ones as well. Attempting to focus my statements on one sector or the other resulted in non-inclusion of key components. I repeatedly came back to a student-centered perspective that prepares students to become active participants in their local and global communities. Twenty-first century skills, although not directly addressed, are cornerstones of learning experiences that builds academic content knowledge in connected ways while developing soft skills such as communication and consensus building.